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Studying Away From Campus | Tips & Tricks

Well, we didn’t see this coming! In all of the preparation for finals week, a rare few were prepping to take finals off campus. How can you study the most effectively without...

Well, we didn’t see this coming! In all of the preparation for finals week, a rare few were prepping to take finals off campus. How can you study the most effectively without dorm study lounges, the college library, and, most importantly, large groups of people all “studying” together? Let’s buckle down and look at some of the best ways to focus and create a couple good study habits for yourself!

Get Enough Sleep!

It may sound like the easiest thing to do, especially without people around as a distraction, but it may actually become harder to get plenty of sleep with online classes and finals. It’ll be super easy to keep watching Netflix since you don’t have to get up for your 8:30 anymore. Prioritizing sleep is the first (and simplest!) way to get yourself mentally ready for taking finals as it keeps you more alert and improves memory. Cozy up with some of our favorite blankets, especially our sherpa throw!



Create a Designated Study Space

It could be your room, it could be your local library, it could be in the corner of your basement that’s a little warmer than the rest of the house - regardless, pick a spot to do the majority of your studying. Setting aside this place will keep your brain engaged in studying while you’re there and, if you keep it organized, you’ll have everything you need and not be distracted by if you left your notes on your desk or at the kitchen table. We would recommend making your space your own! Light a candle, play some light music, your favorite hoodie or crewneck - anything it takes to make yourself comfortable, we all need a little comfort right now. 

Pro tip: avoid using your bed as your main study spot! That’ll keep you from caving in to naps and will also let your mind not feel guilty for trying to sleep at night. 

Pro tip 2: choose your background noises wisely! Instead of having a tv show or movie playing in the background, go for music or a podcast, they’ll engage your mind without distracting your eyes too!

Stick to a Schedule

It’s healthy to have good boundaries in life and studying! Since you’ll be away from campus, you’re going to want to keep up with the friends you’re missing and also do fun things while you’re home. If you create a study plan (and stick with it!), you’ll feel free to do other things beyond studying cause you’ll know you’ve done the work needed and can have a break. 

Pro tip: Factor in some light activity to your day! If you’re going to study for a few hours, give yourself a couple structured breaks to get up, take a walk around. Maybe throw in some pushup for you over achievers. Our Champion joggers would be the perfect choice of pants that can go with you no matter where you go in the day. 

Stay Healthy (duh)

Stay hydrated, stay focused. Drinking enough water will help you stay focused and healthy in the midst of cramming! Studying with a hot coffee can also do the mind good. The food you eat will also have an impact! Since you have the opportunity for things other than dining hall pizza and pasta, opt for some brain power foods like nuts, blueberries, and yes, dark chocolate. 

Keep Connected with Others! 

It takes a village to pass college exams. Keep engaging with friends from campus and from your classes to see what they’ve found helpful in studying. Maybe they kept better notes than you and can remind you of some points you totally spaced or vice versa. Feel freedom to reach out to your professors as well if you’re struggling to retain the information, everyone’s got their tips and tricks and they’re generally happy to help! As a thank you for your fraternity/sorority buddy’s help on that cheat sheet, send ‘em a Campus Classics gift card! Retail therapy is always a great gift. 

As this rollercoaster of a semester comes to a close, it’s going to be important to finish out well! Have any tips of your own as you’ve started getting ready for online finals? Share them below!




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